英訳)We have been engaged in aquaculture since we founded in 1976. We farm Buri(yellowtail) under natural blessed the Nagashima Strait which is consisted of 18 islands.
We produce under rigorous quality control all through the time and develop business with our company philosophy “Safe and Delicious Buri to your table.”
We have started producing" Bontan Buri" as an innovative project. This is Buri farmed by Bontan mixed feed. Bontan is grapefruit like fruit harvested in our region, Kagoshima Prefecture. This makes fish taste excellent.
We all stuff spend time and effort on producing and would like children to taste who recently do not have much fish.
Plase enjoy high quality fish on this occasion.

代表取締役 鶴長 洋一
名称 | 有限会社 鶴長水産 |
代表者 | 代表取締役 鶴長 洋一 |
創業 | 1976年 |
住所 | 〒899-1302 鹿児島県出水郡長島町平尾1457-19 |
電話番号 | 0996-88-3636 |
FAX番号 | 0996-88-2765 |
